Marmas as the localisation of our connection to the Universe, part one

08 сентября 2017 г.
Marmas as the localisation of our connection to the Universe, part one

There are significant differences between the views of Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Chinese medical systems on the structure of the human body. Distortions lie not in the perception of the internal organs and tissues on the primary, physical level, but rather in the limitations of the diversity of their manifestation on more subtle levels. For example, Eastern doctors recognise the human liver not as just an anatomical organ represented by a certain number of cells, but also as one of the body’s mental centres.

Hermes Trismegistes, who is considered to be a reincarnation of the sage Brihaspati –mentor of the demigods, said: “What’s above is also below, what’s outside is also within”. Many philosophers and healers from the Mediterranean, and later Europe, put this principle into practice.

Many thousands of years before that, followers of Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems knew about this approach very well and used it for diagnosing and treating chronic illnesses. We often call human body microcosmic and the Universe macrocosmic, but do we actually realise what that means?

The Vedic philosophy school Sankhia, ancient Indian Tantra and Taoist treatises point out that all the aspects of the Universe are being projected to every single planet, including planet Earth. The harmonious worlds are the following: Bhurloka (the dimension of biological forms of life), Bhuvarloka (the dimension of angels and elements), Svarga (the dimension of gods and demigods), Maharloka (heaven), Djnyanaloka (the dimension of holy sages), Tapaloka (the dimension of ascetic yogis) and Satyaloka (the dimension of Brahma and his companions). They go in that succession from the surface of the Earth to its ozone layer on one hand, and in different time continuums on the other.


Similarly, the seven dimensions of Hiperion (the Antiworld) from Atala to Patala, inhabited by asuras (demons), nagas (dragons), rakshasas (trolls) and pishachas (angry spirits), project themselves 100-500 meters below the earth’s surface. They can also be discovered in different time continuums.

The dimension of Yamaraj – god of death in the ancestors’ world – is located between 50 and 100 meters below the earth’s surface and is called Pitriloka. Seven dimensions of God and his companions are manifested throughout different areas of space and, being implicitly hidden in the labyrinth of time, are absolutely inaccessible by any technical means. Speaking in the language of modern science, the Universe is built on a holographic model where every galaxy, constellation, star or planet reflect all the parts of the whole.

According to Ayurveda, the structure of a human reflects the same principle. Imagine a city surrounded by many levels of a fortress wall (skin, mucous membrane, muscles and ligaments). There are defensive towers along the perimeter as well as all main streets of this city (bones, joints and spine – marmas of third and fourth level). There is a royal palace (Anahata, the heart chakra, is our palace; we are in charge of the city), and a main cathedral (Swadhisthana – the residence of our guardian angel, the mediator between God and our soul). The cathedral’s main altar, the Kundalini chakra, is the place where Paramatma resides. There are temples of all the fundamental religions in the first circle marmas (Ajna, Vishudhi, Kalachakra, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Muladhara, and Pitri). Different countries are represented by different consulates (internal organs – second circle marmas). Naturally, no two consulates are the same (like the Russian Kremlin, American White House, French Louvre and German Bundestag etc.) Each consulate keeps relevant information and general consul and his helpers represent the government and people of their country.

There are various communications in this city: roads, rivers, bridges, water and gas pipes, sewerage, and electric cables (arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, intestines, ureter and energy channels). Five types of energy ensure the wellbeing of every citizen: prema (love), odjas (hereditary energy), shanti (creativity), tedjas (heavenly energy) and bindu (earth energy). All material needs are paid for in a single currency: blood.

Radio and television are represented by informational meridians: sthulas. Citizens (cells of the body) have 24/7 access to the information channel – all our subconscious thoughts are aired on the radio, and conscious ones are visualised on TV. More than that, every consulate and temple retranslates TV and radio shows of their own, although these shows are only available at certain times of the day (according to the natural functional rhythms of the pineal and pituitary gland) except when the King himself is willing to watch it (conscious activating of the rhythm in deep meditation state).


The longevity of the citizens depends on their belonging to a certain class. The elite live the longest (nervous cells live up to seven years). They are allowed to produce offspring and pass all their knowledge and skills to them before death comes. Every next generation loses some of the ancestors’ gifts (cells lose some units of the DNA chain during the division process) so sooner or later the city dies out.

Security is provided by the army and police (immune system). Counter intelligence (T-helpers) and security services (T-suppressors) are active. There are officers (T-killers), sergeants (B-lymphocytes) and soldiers (macrophages, leukocytes and NK-cells). Citizens who do not abide by the law (mutated cells) or are under foreign influence (cells stricken by virus) are eliminated. Organised criminal gangs (cancerous tumours) appear from time to time and are especially dangerous as they may challenge the King and all the citizens.

Now it’s time to move onto the notion of “marma”, as it explains the multidimensional structure of every organ and tissue. Marmas, or chakras, are assembly points of the human organism and all the layers of it adjoin here: physical, ethereal, astral, mental, buddhic and casual.

Although marmas are perceived in three dimensional space as energy-informational spheres spinning around and oscillating in a certain rhythm, they are really more like sagittal spirals penetrating the body on every level.

Marmas are classified into seven levels depending on their significance and force. There are twelve (not seven as it is commonly believed) marma-granthas (marmas of the first level) and they are connected to the most important endocrine glands and centres of the brain and spinal cord. These are the areas of accumulation and distribution of the main energy types of the Universe and they are connected to the twelve functions of the human psyche (feelings, mind and intellect).

There are 21 marmas of the second circle: receiving transmitters for vital internal organs, the five sense organs and various nervous centres.

There are also 21 marmas of the third circle, which ensure functioning of the body tissues and their fast regeneration in case of trauma. They also work as a tuning fork for other marmas. Five of them are in charge of the spine and sixteen are in charge of big joints (eight on each side of the body) in our shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles and feet.

There are many marmas of the fourth circle, which are connected to small joints (in fingers and toes, spinal disks, etc.) They help third circle marmas.

There are seven marmas of the fifth circle, which ensure the functioning of the tissues: rasa-marma (tuning centre for plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid), racta-marma (tuning centre for blood cells), mamsa-marma (tuning centre for muscles), meda-marma (tuning centre for fat tissues), asthi-marma (tuning centre for bones, cartilage, ligaments, hair, nails, teeth), madja-marma (tuning centre for bone marrow and nerve tissue) and shukra-marma (tuning centre for the cells of reproductive organs).

There are many marmas of the sixth circle, which ensure the functioning of sub-tissues.

There are even more marmas of seventh circle, which ensure the functioning of cells. Every cell has its own control centre. They are not taken into account in some Ayurvedic schools because there are trillions of them.


Marmas are connected with each other by special energy channels called nadis. There are 350 000 of them in total. They go far beyond our dimension, 72 000 of them can receive and transmit energy on any frequency; the rest of them can only receive and transmit a specific frequency range. Motion of prana happens along sthula channels, commonly known as Chinese meridians. Knowledge about their existence was widespread in South East Asia by the sage Agastyar. It was brought into China by his disciple Boganatar much later (around 12 500 years ago).

The main nadi channels lie along the sthula meridian, spinal cord, main nerves, arteries and veins. A nadi channel permeates each nerve, blood vessel, muscle, ligament or bone. Its blockage inevitably affects the corresponding tissue. Damaged muscles, bones or ligaments will recover surprisingly fast if the energy circulation in the nadi isn’t affected.

Many nadi channels go beyond the physical body and project themselves onto the skin, producing numerous biologically active zones from one mm to five cm in diameter in size, changing depending on daily and moon cycles. Such zones are called abnormal and are present on the Earth’s surface as well. According to the ancient treatises, there are almost 144 000 such zones on our planet, although most of them are closed nowadays.

Therefore each of us is given a certain space consisting of numerous marmas which are nothing else but layers of the soul.

Conscious or unconscious realisation of a particular dream or wish requires our soul to leave its abode (Anahata chakra) and penetrate a specific marma for a certain time.

In a way, it’s like us leaving our home now and then regardless of how amazing it is. We go to work, to the shops; we visit our friends and relatives; we go to the cinema and theatre and so on. In the same way, the soul “dives” into the corresponding marma as soon as our thought or wish appears, and fills them up with energy (shakti).

For example, when a person paints a picture, composes music or carves a statue, his consciousness, and therefore his soul, inevitably penetrates the Vishudhi marma because it is a space of harmony and peace.

When he meets an obstacle he has to pull himself together and fight back, and his soul immediately dives into the Skanda marma. If he has to evaluate a situation, and consider the pros and cons to make the right decision, his soul comes into the Varuna marma. After the task is solved or we abandon it, the soul goes back into the space of Anahata because only there can it be comfortable and happy.

Author: Igor Ivanovich Vetrov

Translated by Tamara Sosnina

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Character flaws as hidden talents, part one